Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Natasha Rose's international saga begins

Jorge, my husband, first learned about Vizslas when he started to hunt with his good friend, Juan Carlos Castro. Together with Juan Carlos' Vizsla they would hunt for turtledoves, grouse and rabbits in the fields outside of Santiago (see related story in my personal blog, And she took her journey).  It was love at first sight for Jorge.  Then and there Jorge decided to have one too.

Sadly, Juan Carlos' dog tragically lost his life.  Now both friends were desperate to have Vizsla puppies.  They contacted the breeder of Juan Carlos' first dog, German Ezequel Rodriquez-Can D'Ijuma, in Dolores, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  As luck would have it German's  Ceila Can d Ijuma was expecting puppies in August of 2011.

Jorge reserved a female and Juan Carlos a male.

After an impatient wait of two months Jorge and I left for Buenos Aires in October to pick up our new puppy, Natasha Rose Can D'Ijuma and her brother selected for Juan Carlos, Procyon Can D'Ijuma.

We met German and his lovely family as they carefully carried their wiggly packages to our hotel. They gently handed Natasha Rose to Jorge and we went on inside to sign the necessary papers needed to take ownership of our Natasha and to carry Procyon, or Procy, back to Santiago, Chile.

Jorge is a daddy once again
Now it's official

Then it was off to  to the airport with our precious cargo.  But first we had to figure out how to squeeze two dog kennels along with our luggage into the back of a tiny taxi.

Piece of cake!
Ok this may take some doing.

We made it to the airport with no trouble. The real adventure started when we tried to figure out where to to go to check the dogs in to their flight.

Now where do go?
Hands full with papers and puppies

We had to first go to customs...of course on the OTHER side of the airport

The paper chase begins
Big wheels rollin' down the airport hallway

There was little problem in checking the dogs out of Argentina's customs. The hardest part was locating the agent who at first was no where to be found.

Now it was back to the LAN office to "check-in" the puppies.

With a farewell hug we were off with the agent to the cargo load with Natasha Rose and Procy

We threw them our kisses as they were loaded up into our plane

Leavin' on a jet plane

We boarded ourselves and soon we were off -- leaving behind Argentina and heading home to Santiago, Chile.

Don't cry for us Argentina!

View the slideshow of this saga here

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