The life and times of our Magyar Vizsla as we learn along with her about hunting birds, ribbons, breeding, and more Hungarian Pointers or Braco Hungaros in Chile and beyond.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Natasha Rose Can D'Ijuma lineage and pedigree
Name /Nombre del perro: Natasha Rose Can d'Ijuma
Kennel Club de Chile/KCC Nº: 381146
Color: Golden/Dorado
Group/Grupo: VII
DOB/Fecha de nacimiento: 22/08/2012
Owner/Nombre propietario : Jorge Martinez
Breed/Raza: Magyar Vizsla pelo corto
Female/ Sexo hembra
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Ranking and point systems in dog shows
Natasha has moved up in age categories and was recently shown in the Junior Category (Joven) May 27 2012. This means she is now eligible for points and begins to run with the big dogs-literally! As she matures we are growing along with her in our understanding dog shows and their point system. Points or ranking systems are important to understand in the competing world of dog shows. Some expositions are by invite only based upon a dogs winning streak and points gathered.
Found on the Kennel Club de Chile are the rules for ranking and points as established in 2008. I have posted only the rules for Juniors at this time (I have to grow into this knowledge along with Natasha!).
For comparison the American Kennel Club's document, How To Figure Points for Winners Dog and Winners Bitch is linked here as well.
AKC Pointers to remember:
The AKC suggests when counting dogs in competition, you only count dogs present that are judged. Dogs that are disqualified, dismissed, excused or have all awards withheld do not count. Also, any class dog that is moved up to Best of Breed is counted as Champion, not a class dog.
Check the posted copies of the judge’s book before you leave the show to make certain your dog was marked as the winner. Mistakes do happen! Also, verify that your dog’s AKC registration number is correct in the catalog. If it is not correct, let the superintendent know before you leave the show. In both cases, it’s easier to make the correction on the day of the show rather than later.
Serán considerados en los Ranking Caninos del Kennel Club de Chile todos aquellos ejemplares, nacionales e importados, que obtengan una clasificación mínima de Mejor de Raza o Sexo Opuesto (Ranking General) y de Mejor Joven de Raza (Ranking Jóvenes), Mejor Cachorro de Raza (Ranking Cachorros) con calificación de "excelente" y con calificación de “muy bueno” para los mejores cachorros especiales de Raza (Ranking Cachorros Especiales) en una exposición organizada o patrocinada por el
Kennel Club de Chile.
El ranking anual establecerá tres modalidades de cálculo
Obtendrán puntuación para el Ranking General aquellos ejemplares que obtengan las siguientes clasificaciones: Mejor de Raza, Mejor Sexo Opuesto de Raza, Mejor de Grupo y hasta el cuarto lugar del mismo, Mejor de Exposición, Reservado Mejor de Exposición, Tercero, Cuarto y Quinto de Exposición.
I- Ranking de Raza
II- Ranking de Grupo
III- Ranking de Mejor de Exposición
Para figurar en estos Ranking Finales, el ejemplar deberá haber competido en a lo menos el 50% más una de las exposiciones realizadas para los perros adultos y homologación de su respectivo pedigre, no se considerará para los jóvenes, cachorros y cachorros especiales.
En todas las exposiciones de estructura y belleza, organizadas y/o patrocinadas por el
Kennel Club de Chile, los ejemplares competirán, en cada raza, agrupados bajo las
siguientes categorías:
CAT. 1ª: Cachorros Especiales - machos de 3 a 6 meses
CAT. 2ª: Cachorros Especiales - hembras de 3 a 6 meses
CAT. 3ª: Cachorros - machos de 6 a 9 meses
CAT. 4ª: Cachorros - hembras de 6 a 9 meses
CAT. 5ª: Jóvenes - machos de 9 a 18 meses
CAT. 6ª: Jóvenes - hembras de 9 a 18 meses
CAT. 7ª: Intermedia - machos de 15 a 24 meses
CAT. 8ª: Abierta - machos de más de 15 meses
CAT. 9ª: Trabajo - machos de más de 15 meses
CAT. 10ª: Campeones - machos de más de 15 meses
CAT. 11ª: Intermedia - hembras de 15 a 24 meses
CAT. 12ª: Abierta - hembras de más de 15 meses
CAT. 13ª: Trabajo - hembras de más de 15 meses
CAT. 14ª: Campeones - hembras de más de 15 meses
CAT. 15ª: Veteranos - machos de más de 8 años
CAT. 16ª: Veteranos - hembras de más de 8 años
Un perro alcanza la edad mínima de una categoría, cumplida dicha edad y un día.
CAT. 1ª y 2ª: compiten por Mejor Cachorro de Raza Especial
CAT. 3ª y 4ª: compiten por Mejor Cachorro de Raza
CAT. 5ª y 6ª: compiten por Mejor Joven de Raza y CAJC
CAT. 7ª; 8ª; 9ª; 11ª,12ª y 13ª: compiten por el CAC
CAT. 7ª a 14ª: compiten por CACIB, CACLAB
CAT. 10ª y 14ª: los campeones chilenos compiten por el CGCCh
CAT. 15ª y 16ª: sólo compiten por Mejor de Raza
CAT. 5ª a 16ª: compiten por Mejor de Raza
1- Se llevará un ranking nacional de los mejores jóvenes de cada raza.
2- Este ranking se computa en todas las exposiciones generales, limitadas y
especializadas de campeonato. Podrán participar en él todos los perros de una misma raza que compitan en las categorías 5ª y 6ª, sin exclusión alguna.
3- Para el cómputo final se sumará hasta los puntajes obtenidos por cada perro durante el año. En caso de empate, el premio se adjudicará al perro que haya competido en mayor cantidad de exposiciones.
4- No podrá sumarse más de un puntaje por juez.
5- Cálculo de puntaje: se tomará la cantidad de perros presentes en cada raza, dentro de las categorías 5ª y 6ª. Los puntos se asignarán según la siguiente tabla:
- Mejor Joven de raza: obtendrá los puntos equivalentes al número total de ejemplares presentados en las categorías 5ª y 6ª mas 10 puntos.
- Sexo opuesto joven de raza: obtendrá la suma total de puntos otorgados solo por los ejemplares de su mismo sexo, es decir:
- Si se trata de un macho, en la categoría: 5ª
- Si se trata de una hembra, en la categoría: 6ª
6- De los cómputos finales se adjudicarán los siguientes títulos:
7- Los ejemplares de las categorías 1ª, 2ª, 3ª y 4ª que, en el transcurso del año calendario, pasaran a competir en las categorías 5ª y 6ª, computan para este ranking sólo los puntos ganados en estas últimas. Los puntos que hubieran obtenido en las categorías 1ª y 2ª podrán computarse para el ranking de Mejor Cachorro Especial. Los puntos obtenidos en las categorías 3ª y 4ª podrán computarse para el ranking de Mejor Cachorro de Raza.
8- Los clubes especialistas podrán llevar su propio ranking. Pero en ese caso, en toda publicación o publicidad que hagan del mismo deberán aclarar que se trata del ranking del club, diferenciándolo del ranking oficial del Kennel Club de Chile.
9- El presente sistema de ranking se considerará automáticamente prorrogado en los años siguientes, de no sufrir modificaciones publicadas antes de la primera exposición general de campeonato de cada año.
1- Se llevará un ranking de los mejores jóvenes de cada grupo.
2- Este ranking se computa en todas las exposiciones generales exclusivamente. Competirán en él todos los ejemplares de las categorías 5ª y 6ª que compitan por el mejor de grupo.
3- Para el cómputo se sumarán los puntajes obtenidos por cada perro durante el año, en los puestos: 1º, 2º, 3º y 4º de grupo. Para el cómputo final se sumará hasta los puntajes obtenidos por cada perro durante el
año. En caso de empate, el premio se adjudicará al perro que haya competido en mayor cantidad de exposiciones.
4-No podrá sumarse más de una exposición por juez. En caso de repetición del juez, se tomará la exposición en la que el perro haya ganado el mayor puntaje.
5- Cálculo del puntaje se tomará la cantidad de ejemplares de las categorías 5ª y 6ª presentes en cada grupo.
Los puntos se acumularán según la siguiente tabla:
1º de grupo: total de perros en el grupo multiplicado por 10
2º de grupo: total de perros en el grupo multiplicado por 8
3º de grupo: total de perros en el grupo multiplicado por 6
4º de grupo: total de perros en el grupo multiplicado por 4
6- De los cómputos se adjudicará:
7- El presente sistema del ranking se considerará automáticamente prorrogado en los años siguientes, de no sufrir modificaciones publicadas antes de la primera exposición general de campeonato de cada año.
III.A -General
1- Se llevará un ranking de los mejores ejemplares de exposición.
2- Este ranking se computa en todas las exposiciones generales exclusivamente.
Competirán en él todos los ejemplares ganadores de Mejor de Grupo que compitan
por el Mejor de Exposición.
3- Para el cómputo se sumarán los puntajes obtenidos por cada perro durante el año, en
los puestos: 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º y 5º de exposición.
En caso de empate, el premio se adjudicará al perro que haya competido en mayor
cantidad de exposiciones.
4- No podrá sumarse más de una exposición por juez.
5- Cálculo del puntaje se tomará la cantidad de ejemplares de las categorías 5ª a 16ª presentes en cada exposición.
Los puntos se acumularán según la siguiente tabla:
1º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 10
2º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 8
3º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 6
4º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 4
5° de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 2
6- De los cómputos se adjudicará:
7- Entre los 20 mejores, se otorgará el trofeo al Mejor Ejemplar Nacido en el País. El ganador será el ejemplar nacido en Chile mejor ubicado en el ranking general.
8- El presente sistema del ranking se considerará automáticamente prorrogado en los años siguientes, de no sufrir modificaciones publicadas antes de la primera exposición general de campeonato de cada año.
III.B - Jóvenes
1- Se llevará un ranking de los mejores jóvenes de exposición.
2- Este ranking se computa en todas las exposiciones generales exclusivamente.
Competirán en él todos los ejemplares de las categorías 5ª y 6ª que compitan por el
mejor de exposición.
3- Para el cómputo se sumarán los puntajes obtenidos por cada perro durante el año, en
los puestos: 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º y 5º de exposición.
Para el cómputo final se sumará los puntajes obtenidos por cada perro durante el año.
En caso de empate, el premio se adjudicará al perro que haya competido en mayor
cantidad de exposiciones.
4- No podrá sumarse más de una exposición por juez.5- Para el cálculo del puntaje se tomará la cantidad de ejemplares de las categorías 5ª y
6ª presentes en cada exposición.
Los puntos se acumularán según la siguiente tabla:
1º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 10
2º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 8
3º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 6
4º de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 4
5° de Exposición: total de perros en la Exposición multiplicado por 2
6- De los cómputos se adjudicará:
7- El presente sistema del ranking se considerará automáticamente prorrogado en los
años siguientes, de no sufrir modificaciones publicadas antes de la primera exposición
general de campeonato de cada año.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Calling All Dog Experts: What kind of dog is that?
Enjoy taking the survey below by Dr. Julie Levy with the assistance of Merial Veterinary Scholar Kathleen Croy made possible by a grant from the National Canine Research Council.
Calling All Dog Experts: What kind of dog is that?
While many people like to know “What kind of dog is that?” just to satisfy their curiosity, dog breed designations have also been used in an attempt to predict future behavior, match pets to families, find lost dogs, and even to restrict the ownership of certain types of dogs.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and frequently without pedigrees to describe their heritage. The breeds of dogs with unknown or mixed-breed lineages are frequently guessed based on their physical appearance, but it is not known how accurate these visual breed assessments are.
We are conducting a national survey of dog experts to compare their best guesses for the breeds of dogs in a series of photographs. These visual assessments will be compared to DNA breed profiles for the dogs.
We invite all dog experts, including breeders, trainers, groomers, veterinarians, shelter staff, rescuers, and others to complete our brief survey to match dogs to their breeds. It’s fun and easy – just 10-15 minutes to identify the breeds in 20 dogs!
The survey will close on June 15, 2012.
Do you know another dog expert? Please share to your social network or forward this link so they can also participate in the survey!
New proposed APHIS/USDA regulations impose tighter restrictions for home breeders
Though Natasha is still too young to breed we are entertaining the idea. Besides Chile could use a few more good Vizslas! However, new regulations proposed from APHIS/USDA under the Animal Welfare Act to regulate dog breeders and inspections of their kennels may have an impact for people wishing to purchase a dog from breeders in the USA for import to Chile or other locations. The Act is enforced by the USDA,APHIS, Animal Care agency.
APHIS is proposing to revise its definition of “retail pet store” to close a loophole that has in some cases threatened the health of pets sold sight unseen over the Internet and via phone- and mail based businesses. Under the current definition of “retail pet store,” which was developed over 40 years ago and predates the Internet, some breeders selling pets are taking advantage of a loophole that improperly exempts them from meeting the basic requirements of the Animal Welfare Act. The proposed rule will close this loophole, ensuring that animals sold over the Internet and via phone- and mail-based businesses are better monitored for their overall health and humane treatment
You may read the information sheet "Questions and Answers: Proposed Rule – Retail Pet Sales" written by APHIS to explain further their proposed regulations. Click here to read the full proposals
The proposed rule is available for public review and comment for the next 60 days. Once the comment period closes, APHIS will consider all comments received.
You may comment on this proposal by submitting your comments one of two ways:
- Visit the Federal eRulemaking Portal at:!documentDetail;D=APHIS-2011-0003
- Mail your comments to:
Docket No. APHIS-2011-0003, Regulatory Analysis and Development PPD APHIS, Station 3A-03.8, 4700 River Road Unit 118,
Riverdale, MD, 20737-1238.
Below are some thoughts reprinted here with permission of the author on the proposed USDA dog breeder regulations from Sharyn Hutchens. Sharyn is an AKC Breeder of Merit and an officer of the Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders.
Immediately I noticed one point of concern for those who may be interested in importing dogs from the USA:
"If you have more than four breedable bitches and you don't want to be inspected by the federal government, the regulations require you to sell all puppies from your home. No shipping, no meeting at the rest stop, no buying a puppy from someone who meets you at a show. This requirement is for every sale, which means if you sell a puppy to one of your current owners, that person has to come to your home again -- it is one visit per sale.
You may read her her full article below. Permission is granted to cross-post with attribution to the author.
"Most of you have seen the internet buzz today about the new regulations from APHIS/USDA. Yes this IS serious: Either we will all get involved now or most of us will effectively lose our right to breed dogs.
Here are some key points:
"The regulations are proposed, not yet in effect, and the public has 60 days to make comments and attempt to make changes, starting next week (May 14, 2012).
"Whereas many proposed laws affect only large-scale breeders, these regulations will apply to anyone who has more than four breedable bitches and sells at least one puppy.
"If you have more than four breedable bitches and you don't want to be inspected by the federal government, the regulations require you to sell all puppies from your home. No shipping, no meeting at the rest stop, no buying a puppy from someone who meets you at a show. This requirement is for every
sale, which means if you sell a puppy to one of your current owners, that person has to come to your home again -- it is one visit per sale.
"You may sell only puppies that were born and raised at your home. That rules out stud fee puppies, puppies back, and any other puppy not born at your home.
"If you stick to these requirements, you will not have to have USDA inspections. (Retail pet stores are not inspected because they are"inspected" by their customers. The claimed point of these regulations is to
be sure OUR "customers" inspect us.)
"If you never have more than four breedable bitches then you aren't covered by this regulation. The government won't bother you. However, "I'm not planning to breed her" or "She is too old" or "She belongs to my sister" or "I'm showing her for a client" ARE NOT EXCUSES. The wording is 'maintain,'
i.e., if it's in your place and you're feeding it and it is female and could be bred, it counts.
"As currently written, this will also affect rescue. Whether you call it an adoption fee or a price, the law considers it a sale, and all sales of dogs are covered. We're still working on exactly how this might be applied to rescue, but there is currently no exemption.
"Another thought: Even if this does not affect you directly, how will it affect the gene pool of your breed? I'm quite sure there are breeders who will stop breeding when the government starts requiring that we allow people into our homes. At what number of breeders quitting does the gene pool begin to shrink at an alarming pace? "
Sharyn Hutchens, Timbreblue Whippets, Virginia, USA
Read comments by the American Kennel Club
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Natasha Rose and Procyon's day in the Chilean countryside
Natasha and her bother, Procy, enjoy a romp in the fields of Melipilla, an hour and a half outside of Santiago. Juan Carlos Castro, Procyon's owner, and Jorge (the photographer when not trainer for Natasha) gave the dogs a real work out by the length of their tongues hanging out.
Monday, May 14, 2012
View Live Streaming Video Of the 2012 Vizsla Club of America Specialty Shows
Streaming video of the 2012 Vizsla Club of America Specialty Shows will stay up for as long as it takes for to produce the final EDITED video. That might be 8 weeks from the end of the show. The idea is that people (who buy a ticket for $69.60) can watch the show anytime, in its entirety, until the DVDs are shipped. At that time, the RAW video will be removed and replace with the EDITED video, and then new tickets need to be purchased to view.
The show discounts have been extended through May 31. You can order up to the last day of May and still get the show discounts.
Here are the two important links for the website:
General Video Link for the 2012 show:
Streaming Video link:
The show discounts have been extended through May 31. You can order up to the last day of May and still get the show discounts.
Here are the two important links for the website:
General Video Link for the 2012 show:
Streaming Video link:
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine are evaluating a new vaccine for dogs that have been diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) is most commonly seen in large and giant breeds of dogs. It is an aggressive cancer that frequently affects the long bones. Despite limb amputation and chemotherapy, many dogs die from the cancer that spreads to their lungs. Details of the study, including the benefits of enrollment, are available here
Mason Bone Cancer Study: Evaluation of a recombinant bacteria vaccine to treat bone cancer in dogs
The purpose of this study is to determine whether a recombinant L. moncytogenes vaccine can elicit anti-tumor immunity and prolong survival in dogs with cancer of their long bones (appendicular osteosarcoma (OSA)).
If your dog has recently been diagnosed with bone cancer, or is currently undergoing
chemotherapy for bone cancer, he/she may be eligible for vaccination.
Enrollment criteria and baseline evaluation of patients
Researchers are actively recruiting patients for a pilot study to determine the safety and efficacy of a new bacteria based vaccine to stimulate an immune response against osteosarcoma and prolong survival in dogs with bone cancer. Only those dogs with a histological diagnosis of osteosarcoma and who have undergone limb amputation and standard chemotherapy (4 doses of carboplatin) for the treatment of osteosarcoma will be eligible for inclusion in the study. In addition, only those patients whose tumors express the target antigen “Her-2/neu” will be eligible for inclusion in this study.
Up to 18 privately owned dogs with long bone cancer (appendicular OSA) and confirmed expression of Her2-neu will be enrolled.
If you are interested in learning more about this study, please contact the Principal Investigator,
Dr. Nicola Mason, at (215) 898-3996 or
Nicola Mason BVetMed PhD DACVIM
Pamela Cole Chair in Companion Animal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
School of Veterinary Medicine
315 Hill Pavilion
380 South University Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: (215) 898-3996
Fax: (215) 746-2295
Cynthia M. Otto DVM, PhD, DACVECC
Associate Professor Critical Care
Director Penn Vet Working Dog Center
University of Pennsylvania
School of Veterinary Medicine
3900 Delancey St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6010
office (215) 898-3390
fax (215) 573-6050
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The making of a breed specific club in Chile
Today I joined with Fernando Burgos, Kennel Club de Chile's Director for Breeding, owner of Von Dabuso Akitas and Natasha Rose's handler) and a group of Great Dane breeders and lovers to observe the presentation of their proposal to establish a Great Dane Club within the Kennel Club de Chile. Joining in with them to discuss their proposal was a great learning experience. I hope to establish the Club de Magyar Vizsla/Braco Húngaro de Pelo Corto in Santiago de Chile. Of course first we will have to develop critical mass...meaning more than the handful of owners of Vizslas that I know now residing in Chile.
I'm hoping that somewhere out there in Vizsla-land we may find more people who own this lovely breed of dog and or are interested in learning more about the breed to assure the development of a quality dog in Chile.
I will definitely have my work cut out for me in not only finding more than the 4 people I know who own Vizslas in Chile, setting up a proposal to establish the club and then writing the proposal in Spanish!
There are some good templates already established which I will be drawing from. Of course I will use my notes from today to make a first draft describing the Constitution and Bylaws and Code of Ethics. The presenters did their homework by comparing clubs for their breed all around the world, drawing from their documents the best ideas.
Examples of Rules and Ethics for Vizsla clubs are found in the following:
Part of the purpose of a breed specific club is to assure quality and the standard of the dog as well as to find others with which an owner may wish to breed with. Thus it is important to become aware of lineage and strategies for breeding:
Hopefully soon, we will have many more vizslas coming here to Chile each with many excellent traits to help us develop an excellent group of these wonderful dogs.
I'm hoping that somewhere out there in Vizsla-land we may find more people who own this lovely breed of dog and or are interested in learning more about the breed to assure the development of a quality dog in Chile.
I will definitely have my work cut out for me in not only finding more than the 4 people I know who own Vizslas in Chile, setting up a proposal to establish the club and then writing the proposal in Spanish!
There are some good templates already established which I will be drawing from. Of course I will use my notes from today to make a first draft describing the Constitution and Bylaws and Code of Ethics. The presenters did their homework by comparing clubs for their breed all around the world, drawing from their documents the best ideas.
Examples of Rules and Ethics for Vizsla clubs are found in the following:
- Vizsla Club of America's Constitution/Bylaws and Code of Ethics
- Hungarian Vizsla Club of the UK's Rules
- Hungarian Vizsla Society of the UK's Rules and Code of Ethics
- Vizsla Canada Guidelines for Member Conduct
Part of the purpose of a breed specific club is to assure quality and the standard of the dog as well as to find others with which an owner may wish to breed with. Thus it is important to become aware of lineage and strategies for breeding:
- FCI BREEDING COMMISSION: FCI International Breeding Strategies
- My page growing list for Breeders
Hopefully soon, we will have many more vizslas coming here to Chile each with many excellent traits to help us develop an excellent group of these wonderful dogs.
MEOE - Save the Hungarian Kennel Club: The Hungarian government must recognize MEOE !
Considering the current situation that our member in Hungary, MEOE, is facing, the FCI members and the FCI General Committee wish to reiterate their full support to our very long-standing member that has been sharing our wonderful existence since 1933. Talks and negotiations will take place with the Hungarian political authorities to envisage the future but we want to insist to the world dog community that MEOE can count with our unconditioned support and friendship. H.W. MüllerFCI President
We ask all members of the FCI to help save the MEOE - the Hungarian Kennel Club by this petition
The MEOE has a long tradition, established in 1899, of Pedigree registration, FCI International Shows, Breedclubs and all kind of canine activities for the benefits of its members !....Let us stand together and show the Hungarian Government how many people that supports this club all over the world !! ......
The MEOE has a long tradition, established in 1899, of Pedigree registration, FCI International Shows, Breedclubs and all kind of canine activities for the benefits of its members !....Let us stand together and show the Hungarian Government how many people that supports this club all over the world !! ......
The Hungarian Government wants to control dog breeding in Hungary. Only organizations approved by the Government are allowed to make pedigrees, arrange shows and judge.
Everyone else not approved is NOT allowed and will be penalized with very high fines. The government does not want to approve the MEOE ! and FCI does not want to approve any other organization in Hungary than the Meoe.
So if no solution before 15. May 2012 the MEOE is not able to run a club and FCI will have no activities in Hungary any more !! ….
We are in chock that a government is able to do this and think it is has nothing to do with European democracy !! The MEOE have existed since 1899 so a very long tradition and history that we will not accept to loose in the FCI !! …That is why we are asking all members of FCI – especially the European members to help in this fight and save the MEOE !
Who knows this could easily spread to other eastern European countries with the loss of many fine breeders, gene poles and shows !
If possible it would be great if you could promote this petition and also write the a letter to the following :
We must try to do our best to help the MEOE!
Also contact your national kennel Club to ask what kind of actions they are taking.
Thank you for signing the petition to help save the MEOE .
Imagine it was your kennel club this was happening to - imagine you could no longer have your dogs registered in FCI by your kennel club as it did no longer exist !!......Imagine you could no longer attend a FCI show in you country !!....Imagine all you national judges could no longer judge !!....Imagine your native breeds could no longer get an FCI pedigree !!....Imagine you could no longer export the dogs you have breed to other FCI countries !!..... Please help sharing this petition by sharing on Facebook, Twitter on your Kennel Club website or you local breed Club - we want as many as possible to be able to show their support - thank you so much !
Wrinkles are indeed cute! On Vizsla puppies that is
From Puppies! Gun Dog's 2012 Puppy Photo Gallery:
Want to see more? check out M.J. Nelson’s article to learn which questions you should ask yourself when picking out your dream pup, complete with even more reader photos!
What is your dog thinking? Dogs undergo brain scans
This article is so very interesting! Emory University researchers have developed a new methodology to scan the brains of alert dogs and explore the minds of the oldest domesticated species. The technique uses harmless functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), the same tool that is unlocking secrets of the human brain.
Read the full article here:
Learn more about your dog: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs
Fido's expressive face, including those longing puppy-dog eyes, may lead owners to wonder what exactly is going on in that doggy's head. Scientists decided to find out, using brain scans to explore the minds of our canine friends.
The researchers, who detailed their findings May 2 in the open-access journal PLoS ONE, were interested in understanding the human-dog relationship from the four-legged perspective.
Read the full article here:
Learn more about your dog: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs
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